Size of baby: still a squash, but getting bigger. She is almost 18 inches long and weighing in at more than 3 pounds.
What baby is up to: She's going through major brain and nerve development. She is developing her brain connection. She is able to put that complex web of brain connection to good use- she is already processing information, tracking light, and perceiving signals from all five senses. Eye development, too. Her irises now react to light! All five of his senses are in working order. She is also sleeping more, and she stays asleep during the night, so hopefully this will stay true for when she is actually here.
As she is growing so much bigger inside of me I have been able to feel every little thing she does. I have gotten a few elbows or legs pushed up under my ribs, which makes it hard to breathe. There have been a few times that I haven't been able to catch my breathe. Lying down and pushing on my stomach to push her down has helped. It did not help with Josh's nerves when I told him I couldn't catch my breathe. We started taking Lamaze classes on Monday nights. These have been informative and more than just breathing techniques which is what I thought that was all it was going to be about. There are 4 other couples in the class and it is interesting to hear their concerns and the questions that they have. Everyone seems to be so scared of birth and what's going to happen and Josh and I look at each other like "what's the big deal?" I know we say that now and I'm sure that it will all change when we are actually going through it, but you just do what you have to do. I don't want to go into thinking about being scared. I want to enjoy-as much as possible this whole experience. The classes have been very helpful I think for the dads of the class to really let them know what role they play in the labor and ways they can help the moms out. I know that makes me feel better that Josh has a specific role and I don't have to worry about him as much.
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